5 Ways to Prevent Human Error Disasters
Human error is the primary cause of accidents and disasters in industries, especially in the drug and device manufacturing industry, where it accounts for 80% of all incidents. Human error refers to anything that is inadvertently done by an employee, and that is not influenced by an existing set of rules.
According to Doctor Collazo, preventing human errors in the workplace is a much better approach than correcting their consequences. This will help in accident prevention, and may even save lives.
The impact of human error in the workplace shouldn’t be disregarded because it can lead to serious financial errors and potentially even fatal disasters. Here are a few essential tips for preventing human error workplace disasters:
1. Training Your Employees
All your employees must be exposed to the concept of human error and to what danger it poses to them and others. All training must be specifically tailored to suit all your employees in their different departments. Human error prevention training will also help improve your employees’ overall competence.
Although training should be open to all your employees, particular emphasis should be placed on employees that handle mission-critical technology and data. You should enlist a professional like Doctor Collazo to develop criteria you will use to assess and test employees concerning human error prevention.
2. Limit Employee Access to Delicate Systems
You should ensure that access to sensitive data and technology is limited only to the few skilled and authorized employees. Such equipment should be kept under lock-down and secure. You can develop a sign-in system or a badge-and-lanyard system to ensure that only authorized people gain access.
Training by professional consultants such as Doctor Collazo will also help your employees operate machinery carefully, and this will go a long way in reducing human errors in the workplace and prevent human error disasters.
3. Develop a Fitting Disaster Recovery Strategy
You should ensure that your firm has a strong disaster recovery plan, one in which measures are put in place to identify and reduce potential risks. This will help ensure that all members of your staff are on the same page when it comes to preventing and quickly and effectively addressing human error.
4. Test Your Disaster Recovery Strategy
Many companies forget to check their DR strategy and see how effective it is. It is advisable to have staff members run through human error disaster drills for them to put the disaster into perspective. Running these drills will allow you to test your Disaster Recovery strategy and check how effective it would be in moments of real danger.
These drills also give you more opportunities to train your employees on how to prevent human error in the workplace.
5. Coming Up with Check-lists and Procedures
With checklists and procedures, you can stop human error right in its tracks. Check-lists and procedures ensure that your employees follow all the necessary steps when handling specific tasks, and this reduces the risks of omission. Using check-lists has many advantages, the main one being that it makes for the best manufacturing practices. This is because it breaks down complex tasks into smaller, simpler chunks.
Take Measures to Reduce Human Error Today
Human error is a permanent adversary to industry and manufacturing. It has led to countless deaths and injuries, the crumbling of many businesses, and huge losses. It is almost impossible to eliminate human errors completely.
Technological improvements have significantly reduced human errors, but as long as human beings are still involved in the manufacturing process, they are still susceptible to human error. However, it is possible to control and prevent human error in the workplace, and according to Doctor Ginette Collazo, this should be your principal focus.
You can sign yourself and your employees for semi-annual refresher training courses to ensure they have human error disaster prevention strategies right on their fingertips.