Here’s How to Limit Human Error in Your Office
Even the most dedicated employees can slip up every once in a while; when human error strikes your office environment, it can put you hours behind schedule. If you catch yourself typing, “how to prevent human error in workplace,” into the search bar, try these human error reduction tools.
Diagnose the initial problem
Whether it’s a company-wide issue or errors performed by one person, the first step is identifying the common errors that are made in order to combat them properly. Common types of human error include mistakes, violations, and lapses or slips in the workplace. In your office, this can take the form of data entry mistakes, poor time management, and violating procedures in the office.
While none of these problems may be detrimental to your company, it can cause a lot of headaches. Human error investigation is key in diagnosing the initial problem before you seek human error reduction training.
Relay the rules and regulations
Honest mistakes in the workplace happen, but they’re seen more often when expectations are skewed or not relayed correctly. Having quality assurance meetings and verifying that the members of your office have the same expectations is a vital step in informing your office and preventing error from happening in the first place. While some rules seem like common knowledge to some, others will need the clarification.
Engage in human error reduction training
While not everyone is adept on how to prevent human error in workplace environments, utilizing an online training course held by professionals is a great way to establish a front against human error. Some online training courses, like Human Error Solutions, will offer a diagnostic assessment, schedule a training event, and come up with ways to implement the correct strategies in the workplace to modify the behavior of your employees.
Create a response plan
Good training is the best way to prevent human error, but coming up with a response plan is a vital next step. Keep in mind that human error mistakes and violations are going to happen regardless — one employee might be a little sleepier after a rough night while another might have forgotten to drink their coffee. Regardless, it’s important to implement a response plan when a problem does arise. Monitor the behavior, hold a meeting, and follow up after to ensure your employees understand their roles in the office.
There’s no easy answer as to how to prevent human error in workplace environments. You should always be open to talking to your employees and offering the right tools for them to succeed. Regulatory compliance courses online can be a great initial step to moving your company in the right direction.