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how to prevent human error in workplace

How to Prevent Human Error In Workplaces: 7 Tips

Human error is responsible for up to 90% of workplace accidents, so it’s essential for any business, no matter what industry you’re working in, to prevent these errors by any means necessary.

Here are some great tips for how to prevent human error in workplaces:


    • Work with human error consulting services — Wondering how to prevent human error in workplaces? Don’t wonder — work with the professionals. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t realize that they can consult with organizations that specialize in human error investigation and prevention. These companies can provide you with top-of-the-line human error prevention tools and ensure that your organization is running as safely as possible at all times.


    • Institute safety procedures — Developing and promoting new procedures can help improve workplace efficiencies and cut down on human errors. Rather than a one-size fits all approach, develop best practices unique to your workplace. Make sure each procedure is as thorough as can be, as well as human-engineered and enforceable.


    • Prevent downtime — Approximately 23% of unplanned downtime within the manufacturing industry is caused by human error. Similarly, limiting downtime through improved maintenance and training can keep your employees attentive and productive, subsequently preventing human error issues.


    • Enroll in regulatory compliance courses — Regulatory compliance courses can help so much when it comes to reducing costly errors inside the workplace. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re working in — these courses are essential for protecting your company.


    • Training, Training, Training — Human error prevention training needs to include virtually every aspect of the job; from the first day on the job to the tasks that they’ll likely perform down the road, make sure they know the whys, the whats, and the hows. Finally, remember that training isn’t just for new employees; training should be ongoing.


    • Communication — So many workplace errors involving human inefficiencies can be traced back to a lack of communication. Every employee on your staff should feel comfortable with communicating with each other and with superiors. Without open lines of communication at all levels, dangerous accidents are inevitable.


    • Evaluation — The best managers know that they need to provide regular, one-on-one feedback to their employees. Not only does this give managers the chance to provide constructive criticism, but they give employees the chance to share information with supervisors.


If you want to learn more about how to prevent human error in workplaces, contact Human Error Solutions right away. Our consultants can advise you on preventing costly accidents and provide invaluable regulatory compliance courses online.